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PYMES will be able to apply for the Digital Kit as of March 15.

The deadline for submitting applications for companies will be six months. However, the call for applications will close before the established budget is exhausted.

The first grants for the digitalization of companies with between 10 and 49 employees have been announced. In this first call, the digital bonds to be granted will have an amount of 12,000 euros and it is expected that around 42,600 companies will register, for which 500 million euros will be allocated, one sixth of the 3,067 million euros of the budget set by the European Union for Spain through the Next Generation EU funds.

Also, as of March 10, the "catalog of digitizers", with the first agents adhered to the program, will be published in the official website The period of adhesion to become a digitizing agent will be open during the entire duration of the program, so this catalog will be expanded as the adhesion applications are resolved.

The aids will be granted directly, under the sole criterion of order of presentation of applications and availability of sufficient credit, once the verification of compliance with the requirements has been carried out.


In order to be eligible for these grants, it is important that SMEs or self-employed workers meet the minimum requirements set out in the program's terms and conditions:

a) Not being considered as a company in difficulty in accordance with Article 2.18 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 and Commission Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1237 of 23 July 2021.

b) Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.

c) Not be subject to an outstanding recovery order following a previous decision of the European Commission declaring an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.

d) Not to be subject to any other of the prohibitions set forth in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies. Said prohibitions shall also affect those companies of which, due to the persons who govern them or other circumstances, it may be presumed that they are a continuation or that they derive, by transformation, merger or succession, from other companies in which the former were involved.

e) Not to exceed the de minimis aid limit (those aids or subsidies that, due to their low amount, do not need to be reported to the European Commission).

f) Have the Digital Maturity Level assessment, according to the diagnostic test available on the Acelera pyme platform (https://

How to get the digital voucher?

I. To apply for the digital voucher, you must register in the private area of and complete the self-diagnosis test.

II. The next step is to consult the information on the digitization solutions offered and choose one or more.

III. The last step is to ask for help at

IV. Once granted, you must access the catalog of digitizing agents and select the one you want to work with and sign the service agreement.

In order to facilitate access to aid as much as possible, the figure of the "voluntary representative" has been created, so that any duly authorized third party, whether an individual or a legal entity, can apply for aid on behalf of the SME, even if it is the company itself that then has to carry out the rest of the formalities.

After the launch of this first call, intends to launch the next calls for aid for companies with less than 10 workers "before the summer" with an amount of 6,000 euros per voucher.


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